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Friday, 30 April 2004
pics test

Segernya buah dari Indonesia...hiks jadi pengen rujak deh...

Posted by ambarbriastuti at 1:01 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 30 April 2004 1:18 PM BST

blog error?
sorbet mangga

225 g gula pasir
250 ml air
80 ml air jeruk lemon
4 buah (1,5 kg) mangga Arummanis, kupas, ambil dagingnya, cincang
2 putih telur ayam, kocok lepas

Cara membuat:
Masak gula dan air hingga gula larut tetapi tidak mendidih.
Masukkan air jeruk lemon, aduk rata. Sisihkan hingga dingin.
Taruh mangga dalam mangkuk blender, proses hingga lembut.
Tuangkan larutan gula dan jeruk lemon serta putih telur. Proses hingga tercampur rata.
Tuang dalam mangkuk dan ratakan.
Simpan dalam freezer hingga hampir beku. Aduk-aduk hingga terbentuk butiran kecil. Bekukan kembali.
Sajikan dingin dengan irisan mangga segar, jika suka.

Posted by ambarbriastuti at 12:41 PM BST
more letters
Letters to :
Kevin Garner, the new award leader about my status
Alison Fleece, to arrange new appointment/retake Financial Application of CAD
Heather form Jobtemps, send uni letter and my passpor to copy. I just call her and will pop in the office after lunch time.

Things to do when in town:
Ask about driving lesson at BSM or private one
See any good book about HTML (I need to learn !!!)

Posted by ambarbriastuti at 10:27 AM BST
Thursday, 29 April 2004
have a nice chat with Fika (Wolves)
Today I went to Uni by tram (back to memories). The weather still raining and quite chilling even temperature raise to double digit. I was desperate to see neither Lamine or Alison when I found out that their office been moved for refurbishment. I had a quick chat with excentric lecturer next door (he is teaching interior architecture !!!) and found out another surprises. First that Lamine left from Uni this semester and David Hessom took over all the Project. He pointed on off office that Lamine might drop off for few reason. I rushed to office where somehow on a Millenium Building Basement. Nothing !!! So I was running back to SEBE office and asked somebody there. They gave me name that probably will take care my case. Then I went to Registry Office, asking my study record which quite dissapointing me. I thought I am only need one assignment to do, in fact I have to do Project Management as well (damn !!!). So I walked back and met Fika, a nice little lady from Jakarta. We went to Thornthon (she need to buy pressie for her father inlaw's birthday). Afterwards we looked any possible place to have lunch. We pop in Drucker (pattiserie) and we have had long talk. From how the house and end with a few complaints about kids in "Pengajian". She got one occasion on her 40th day of his dad and found out that most of kids hasn't got any manner. The parents seemed ignorant for these issue. The kids just playing around, moving things and did some dangerous stuff. I knew about that when I joint on "Pengajian" in Birmingham few times. Parents looked not really keep an eyes their kids and just pretended that those none of their bussiness (damn not true!!!). Where's the manner, where's the "tata krama", where their religious value ?????? Bull shit !!!
The pond seemed full of water when I was back to feed the fish. It must be quite heavy rain in past three days. Mark reduced the water volume to fix the pond's cap which loosened. My vegetables garden looked growing with potatoes (on bag), lettuce, cabbage and brussel sprout. Shallots and onions looked healthy and I was not worry about their appearences. One celeriac looked tired but I did check it today and back to life (walllaaaa!!!). Strawbery looks burst to life after long sleep. I am really happy with it. It was easing my guilty to leave them grow wildly. I might do little bit planting on front garden today. Hope weather little bit on my side !!

Posted by ambarbriastuti at 5:15 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 29 April 2004 5:27 PM BST
Wednesday, 28 April 2004

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Posted by ambarbriastuti at 4:49 PM BST
patio chaos
finally the pond and rock garden were finished. We got problem for few leaking on stream bed but Mark did seal it with waterproff cement. It wasn't convinced me at all though, 'cause the water level seemed to high for stream highest level. I told Mark about my doubt but he insisted that his system is the best still. We did some pointing yesterday start about 19.00 when the weather quite nippy. We cover patio with plastic sheet to protect from waterlogging on the gap. Seemed Ok !
Today he was off early morning 630 to Duseldorf to have a meeting with Vodafone guys. He said that he'll back sometime evening. More sand and cement coming today but I wont do anything. The weather look like changes everytime I look on my window. I fell not pretty well to do streneous work as couple weeks ago.
I called my mum this morning to say hello. I missed her much !! I got v=funny dream last night about Mum and Dad. They have arguing about family picnic when the day start raining....what a dream. Mum and I had long conversation before handed over to my sis Dian. We had nice chatt also a bit pushed her to go Uni. She's just need more will to do herown study !!! Failed to talk to my little sis, Devy 'cause she on school (shame her !!). But was good speak to everybody at thousounds miles from here....

Posted by ambarbriastuti at 4:03 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 April 2004 4:30 PM BST

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